Getting involved
Encouraging fine motor skills
Our Pre-School Room prepares children for their transition to school, we care and support these children in all their development areas. We continue a structured routine as from the previous room as it supports the children and enables them to follow direction.
The children in Poppy Room enjoy daily tasks and responsibilities as well as their free play. They love to be creative and explore all the messy and crafty bits around the room which they have access to at any time.

Following in your footsteps
Loving environment
They Begin Phonics in this room, so each week they will sing the songs, practice writing the letter and have activity sheets to bring home. They continue their scissor work, maths and literacy games, pencil control and baking in this room. At this stage, they will look into more depth in these activities, independently and in groups.
Poppy Room will go outside twice a day, once in a morning and again in the afternoon. They love to explore the outdoor area, creating games and explore the equipment. The staff enjoy involving the children in more challenging games for example, ‘What Time Is It Mr Wolf’, ‘parachute games’, ‘bowling pins’ etc.

Key worker
Your child will be allocated a Key Worker who you will be introduced to you on the first settling in session. The Key Worker will have a chat with you to share information about your child, which will enable them to better understand your child’s needs and to begin forming a relationship. All of our Key Workers have a wealth of experience and up to date knowledge in all aspects of the EYFS. They will provide advice, guidance and support you with anything you need.