Learning and developing
Following a structured routine
Buttercup Room follows a structured routine to prepare your child for school, they take part in things such as group time, phonics, scissor work, pencil control, mathematics, and literacy activities. They begin looking at topics and events around the world, taking part in activities based on these.
During morning time, we continue going into more depth with the letters of their names, months of the year etc. Each week the children will learn a new Phonic letter, they will sing the songs, practice writing the letter and have activity sheets to bring home. The children start to develop knowledge of their community, surroundings and the natural world, we enjoy taking trips to places like our local library, parks, pet shops and supermarkets.

Exploring outside
Pedal bikes, scooters, balls and more!
The children also love to explore outside using the equipment for example, the pedal bikes, scooters, trikes, balls, chalks etc. They enjoy using their imagination to create their own role play games too. We encourage important skills such as sharing and being considerate of others.

Getting ready for Primary School
Graduation from nursery
When your child starts to get ready to go to Primary School they will be provided with a ‘transition sheet’ this will detail everything about your child and their development along with their records through nursery.
Your child’s teacher will visit our setting and observe your child and the key worker will also have a chat with the teacher. We hold a graduation in the summer to celebrate all your child’s achievements, they receive a graduation cap, medal and certificate while also being able to participate in all the fun games and activities set out around the outdoor area.

Key worker
Your child will be allocated a Key Worker who you will be introduced to you on the first settling in session. The Key Worker will have a chat with you to share information about your child, which will enable them to better understand your child’s needs and to begin forming a relationship. All of our Key Workers have a wealth of experience and up to date knowledge in all aspects of the EYFS. They will provide advice, guidance and support you with anything you need.